A CMAKE Build system is now available for FEAPpv. This is a beta version and we will appreciate feedback on it. To use the system make sure you have at least CMake version 2.6. If you are on Linux/UNIX, see the first set of instructions, for Windows see the second section. Note, in both Linux/UNIX and Windows the archive is not called FeappvLib. On Linux/UNIX: ______________ When using CMake environment variables are no longer needed to build FEAPpv. (1) Unpack your source: unzip feappv31.zip (2) Create a build directory: mkdir build (3) Change to the build directory: cd build (4) Run CMake: cmake ../ver31 (5) Run make: make (use make VERBOSE=1 if you want to see in more detail the configuration being used) When running CMake you make notice that it does not identify the compilers that you want to use. In which case you can add -DCMAKE_XX_COMPILER=YY to the cmake line. For example: cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=ifort ../ver31 If you want to turn on default optimizations add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=YY, where YY can be Relase (for full optimizations) and RelWithDebInfo (for some optimizations but also debug symbols). For example, cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=RelWithDebInfo See CMake documentation for other options and information on editing the CMakeLists.txt file. On Windows: ___________ [Note, our CMake build system on Windows is a bit experimental. For some builds we find that it works well but occasionally it pulls in incorrect libraries. Suggestions on improving the CMake build are welcome.] First start CMake (GUI version) (1) Enter the source directory name (2) Enter the name for the build directory (3) Click configure. CMake will prompt you for the generator. Select "Visual Studio XX Win64", for example, if you have a 64-bit machine. If your machine is 32-bit, select "Visual Studio XX". (XX is your visual studio version number) Please make sure that the report for pointer sizes says 4 bytes if you selected a 32-bit generator and 8 bytes if you selected a 64-bit generator. If not, clear the CMake cache, and start over with the correct generator. (4) Click Generate. This will make your Visual Studio project files. In your build directory you should now find Visual Studio project files. (1) Open the feappv31.sln Visual Studio project file. (2) In the box at the top, select "Release" for your Solution Configuration. (3) In the Solution Explorer pane right-click on feappv31 and select Properties from the menu that appears. (4) Under Fortran:Libraries, click to select the Runtime Library as QuickWin (/libs:qwin). (5) Under Linker:System, click to select the SubSytem as Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS). (6) You can now click Build to build the complete project.